
Look back with scepticism

31 Dec 2013 12:19 AM GMT
As the year 2013 comes to an end, there is a need to look back at the events of the year that has gone by. One of the biggest event that has happened...

Winds of change are visible

17 Dec 2013 12:28 AM GMT
BJP prime minister designate Narendra Modi addressed a massive rally at Dehradun, Uttarakhand on 15 December 2013 to a rousing audience that cheered...

Blood, sport and great gamblers

8 Dec 2013 8:05 PM GMT
The Big Fix (Westland) remains a work of fiction. With his vast experience in reporting and a ring side view of it all, Vikas Singh has captured the...

Nepal and its secular credentials

3 Dec 2013 11:28 PM GMT
The results of the elections held on 19 November 2013 in Nepal have put the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist party of Nepal CPN (UML) firmly in...

Foreign policy nightmare

19 Nov 2013 10:48 PM GMT
The prime minister has enunciated his foreign policy statement, which was visionary and his enlightened discourse as ascertained from various reports...

Let’s discipline the Army

29 Oct 2013 10:01 PM GMT
There have been a series of disciplinary cases in the Army. The trend is worrisome, and so also are the reasons. It seems the age-old institution is...

A river runs through it

15 Oct 2013 11:07 PM GMT
The manner and timings of infiltration bids on the Western border with Pakistan, as also, the face offs with China, are surely and steadily pointing...

The neglected forces

30 Sep 2013 6:54 PM GMT
The numbers of political parties in India have increased from a modest 55 in 1952 to around 370 today. The politics of the country is changing from...

Long winter in Uttarakhand

15 Sep 2013 6:21 PM GMT
It’s now nearly three months since natural calamities wracked havoc on the mountainous region of Uttarakhand. This may be the correct time to take...

Looking the other way

30 Aug 2013 10:12 PM GMT
The coming months are going to be full of tension for the Indian forces. They will again be forced to go alone as has been the culture as both China...

Gorkhas need political unity

13 Aug 2013 7:22 PM GMT
The demand for Gorkhaland, pending since 1907 is not only about identity of Gorkhas but also, fits into the socio-political, economic and security...

Questions of rehabilitation

30 July 2013 10:37 PM GMT
A massive disaster struck Uttarakhand on the night of 16 -17 June and so serious have been its ramifications that life in the state has come to a...
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