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Uttarkashi tunnel collapse: Indian American Congressman Thanedar urges USAID to support ongoing rescue operations

Uttarkashi tunnel collapse:  Indian American Congressman Thanedar urges USAID to support ongoing rescue operations

Indian American Congressman Shri Thanedar has urged the United States Agency for International Development to provide immediate assistance in the ongoing rescue operations in India's Uttarakhand where 40 workers are trapped in a partially collapsed tunnel.

"This tragic incident in Uttarakhand is not just a local crisis; it's a humanitarian concern that demands global attention and action. The United States, with its advanced technology and expertise in rescue operations, has the capability to make a significant impact in these efforts and potentially save lives," Thanedar said.

The Silkyara Tunnel collapsed on November 12. Despite the tireless efforts of local rescue teams, challenging conditions have hampered the progress of the operation. A trenchless tunnelling approach was initiated on Tuesday, with teams attempting to drill through the debris. However, the outcome of this operation remains uncertain.

"As someone who has deep ties with India, I feel a profound sense of responsibility to ensure that the United States steps up in this time of need. Our involvement could not only aid in the immediate rescue efforts but also reinforce the strong relationship between the US and India," Thanedar said.

Thanedar has requested the USAID to engage directly with India to discuss potential avenues for US assistance during the crisis. He also asked to be kept informed of any developments and actions taken by USAID in response to this situation.

"The people trapped in the tunnel, along with their families, need our support. It's crucial that we act now. I am committed to doing everything in my power to facilitate this international cooperation and aid those in need," he said.

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