Home > Big Story > Bringing down rising motor vehicle thefts top-most on our radar: Spl Commissioner
Bringing down rising motor vehicle thefts top-most on our radar: Spl Commissioner
BY Zafar Abbas11 Jan 2018 11:48 PM IST
Zafar Abbas11 Jan 2018 11:48 PM IST
New Delhi: At its annual Press meet on Thursday, the Delhi Police admitted that cases of motor vehicle theft were on the rise in the capital. According to Delhi Police data, thefts (including car and bike thefts) account for a whopping of 71 percent of the total crime committed in Delhi. This is 9 percent higher compared to 2016.
"Motor vehicle theft accounted for around 18 percent of the total IPC cases and around in 12 percent cases stolen vehicles have been found registered in other states of India," said Special Commissioner of Police, RP Upadhaya.
Explaining the sudden spurt in Motor Vehicle theft cases, the Delhi Police said it was due to the mobile and web applications through which public could lodge their e-FIRs online in all cases of theft without visiting a police station.
"Other crimes have shown a declining trend except for 41percent increase in online theft cases, and 6 percent increase in Motor vehicles being stolen. We have registered 1,36,734 online e-FIRs in 2017 for motor vehicle and property theft cases," said RP Upadhyaya, Special Commissioner of Police.
Breaking up the statistics, Upadhaya said that in 2017, 36,964 MV theft FIRs had been lodged, and so far more than one lakh FIRs had been lodged since the e-FIR was launched in April 2015.
The earlier process of reporting an MV theft involved reporting to police, getting an FIR registered, getting a final police report and finally claiming insurance. This was a time- consuming and cumbersome process; cops pointed out.
The police maintained that they were making concerted efforts to tackle rising vehicle theft. Various measures like setting up barricades and increased night patrolling had been put in place to intercept vehicle thieves. More reports on PG3
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