
Students of music school gear up to celebrate Saraswati Puja

Students of music school gear up to celebrate Saraswati Puja

KOLKATA: On Tuesday, a day before Saraswati Puja, nearly 150-200 students of a well-known music school located in Tagore Park, Kolkata, will come together for a melodious unison.

They will gather together to sing and devoutly offer ‘anjali’ to the goddess of learning and arts.

This has been the tradition of Soumyojit Academy to celebrate Saraswati Puja for the last 8-10 years. Students actively participate by adorning the idol and pandal, bringing the festivities to life with their hymns. This year, the theme revolves around nature. Just like every year, the school has a new song ready for Saraswati Puja this time too.

“The celebration takes place a day before Saraswati Puja because on the actual day, many students may have their own puja festivities at home or school. By organising our special programme in advance, we ensure the participation of all our students,” said acclaimed singer Soumyojit Das.

He added: “Every year, we compose a new song, sing it together, and offer anjali to Goddess Saraswati.”

Popular musical duo Sourendro Mullick and Soumyojit Das will be present on the occasion.

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