
Siliguri civic body forms panel to save environment & curb pollution

With the aim of protecting the environment and reducing pollution in the city, the Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC) has formed a committee consisting of environmentalists and Forest department officials.

This committee will also work on dealing with all the issues of whether a tree is being cut somewhere or what should be done to protect

the environment.

On Wednesday, the committee members conducted their first visit near Don Bosco More. “We are concerned about the environment of the city. Many environmentalists and organisations who work for nature suggested we create a committee. As per their request, we have formed the committee with almost all the

respective officials and social

workers,” said Mayor Gautam Deb.

A few months ago, people living in Siliguri, along with social workers, complained about trees being cut down in many areas of Siliguri, including Station Feeder Road. They alleged that many trees were cut down in the area due to road extension.

That time, they urged the SMC to form a committee that could help in conducting development work by saving nature.

“Today, we conducted a survey on Sevoke Road from Don Bosco More. About 50 trees on that road may be cut down for drainage work. However, SMC officials informed us that they will transplant the trees to

another location.

A proposal will be given by the committee on how the trees can be transplanted scientifically after discussing with the experts,” said Dipjyoti Chakraborty, a member

of the committee.

The committee has 25 members, including with Gautam Deb, Mayor of Siliguri, Ranjan Sarkar, Deputy Mayor, Sikta Dey Basu Ray, Member of Mayor-In-Council of SMC, Amit Jain, Opposition leader of SMC, Munsi Nurul Islam, Left Front councillor, Divisional Forest Officer of Baikunthapur Division, Divisional Manager of West Bengal Fire Service, Kaustav Choudhury, environmentalist from Solitary Nature and Animal Protection Foundation (SNAP), Tuhin Dey Roy, River expert, Amit Kumar Sarkar, president of Darjeeling District Legal Aid Forum and others.

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