Ranaghat SDO implements plastic ban to combat pollution

KOLKATA: At a time when plastic pollution has emerged as a serious global and local menace over past few decades causing irreversible damage to our environment, Ranaghat SDO (Sub Divisional Officer) Raunak Agarwal in Nadia district has successfully implemented ban on single use plastic (SUP) in and around his office compound cum premises with effect from September .
Apart from the SDO office, treasury office, ACMOH (assistant chief municipal officer of Health) office, R.R & R (Refugee, Relief and Rehabilitation) office, Ranaghat court and office of the Land Department, Food Department, Ranaghat Police Station as well as Women Police Station in the vicinity has been covered
under this ban.
The Sub Divisional Police Officer, (SDPO) Ranaghat has been checking status of imposition of such ban at random through IC, Ranaghat Police Station at Ranaghat SDO compound cum premises which encompass swimming pool, guest house, Red Cross building, canteen, areas having temporary structures, shops etc. The Chairman, Ranaghat Municipality is collecting garbage and other types of plastic wastes on regular basis.
“Civil defence volunteers have been deployed to keep constant vigil on the activities of the consumers and sellers within the area. To start with we have adopted a lenient approach and has been encouraging concerned officials, staff, lawyers, muhuris to discard the use of plastic. After around 20 days, we will impose fine for use of non biodegradable plastic at the rate of Rs 100 for consumers and Rs 500 for seller” :said Raunak Agarwal, SDO Ranaghat who has led
the initiative . A biodegradable bag vending machine is being procured from West Bengal Pollution Control Board and will be installed in the SDO office premises in a few days.
The manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of single-use plastic, including polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, commodities which have low utility and high littering potential, all across the country from
July 1, 2022 .