Metro services hit as girl gets down on track
Kolkata: Metro services were disrupted on Thursday evening as a girl was spotted by a motorman walking on the track between Maidan and Park Street Metro stations.
Following the incident, Metro authorities issued a statement that stated: “Driving Motorman of DK-276 reported at 21.05 hrs that a young girl is walking on the UP track in between Maidan and Park Street stations.
A power block on both lines was taken immediately and station staff of Park Street rescued the girl at 21.10 hrs.
from the UP track near Park Street station live. After that power block was cancelled and normalcy was restored on both lines
from 21.32 hrs”.
The woman was rescued by RPF and police and was detained at the station master’s room at Park Street Metro Station.
She was kept in a lady RPF’s custody and will be produced at Sealdah Court on Friday.
The woman is learnt to have told the police that she had a spat with her partner and got down on the line.
Based on her statement, suspecting that the man may have followed her into the tunnel, the RPF, police and other Metro staff entered the tunnel with a torch as part of the search operation to locate the man. However, no one was found at the time of filing
this report.