
Darj celebrates Diwali in unique ‘Tihar’ festival honouring animals

Darj celebrates Diwali in unique ‘Tihar’ festival honouring animals

Darjeeling: The unique festival of Tihar is commemorated in Darjeeling at the time of Diwali. The 5 days of “Tihar” or “Yamapanchak”, are commemorated in honour of “Yamaraj” – the mythological Lord of Death.

The first day of Tihar is Kak Tihar, dedicated to the crows, believed to be the bird associated with Yamaraj. On this day, food is left on rooftops and open spaces for the crows. The next day is the Kukur Tihar. On this day, marigold garlands are put on dogs along with vermillion applied on the forehead of dogs. The dogs are offered a sumptuous meal. Even stray dogs are not left out on this day and people offer food to them.

It is believed that the gates of Yamaraj’s palace are guarded by a dog. When King Yudhistira (the eldest of the Pandavas as narrated in the epic Mahabharata) reached the gates of heaven in his human form, Yamaraj had accompanied him taking the guise of a dog. The dog is also the steed of the fearful Bhairava, the God of destruction.

The third day of Tihar falls on the day of Diwali and is also commemorated as Gai Tihar. Early in the morning the cow which symbolises Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped. The houses usually get a fresh coat of paint and marigold garlands are put on doors to welcome the Goddess. In the evening after Laxmi Puja, tika is anointed on the forehead of seven small girls as they are worshipped as the forms of Lakshmi. Diya or lamp is lit on the main altar of the house. Along with the Diya, a copper vase called ‘gagri’ is kept filled with water and decorated with flowers. Groups of girls dressed in traditional Gunue Cholo, sit outside the main entrance of houses and sing the traditional “Bhailo.”

The next day of Gai Tihar or Laxmi Puja is the Goru Tihar, the day dedicated to the ox. In the evening “Deushi” is sung by groups of boys attired in traditional “Daura Suruwal” and playing the traditional musical instruments.

Deushi is the same as Bhailo in essence, being a form of blessing but it is sung by boys. Bhailo and Deushi are forms of folk culture. Both have got a common mythological background revolving around King Bali and the dwarf reincarnation of Lord Vishnu asking for alms from the King who is all set to give away his kingdom. In fear, the girls pray to Goddess Lakshmi who then saves the kingdom. “Even if I can’t make it home during Dasain, I always come home during Tihar just to enjoy the unique festival along with the festive food comprising Sel-Roti (a traditional sweet bread),” stated Anish Lomjeil who works in Bangalore.

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