
Arshad confused about packing stuff for shoot

Actor Arshad Warsi is readying himself for an outdoor shoot of Subhash Kapoor’s Guddu Rangeela, but he is more anxious about packing his bags with the right clothes for the trip. ‘Two months’ schedule for Guddu Rangeela up north.

More than the film, I am worried about packing my bags with all the right stuff,’ Arshad, who is currently shooting for The Legend Of Michael Mishra, posted on Twitter on Monday. Guddu Rangeela also features Amit Sadh and Aditi Rao Haydari playing Baby.

Guddu Rangeela promises to be a dramatic roller coaster ride riddled with twists and turns in the life of the lead protagonists in their quest to make it big even as they are thrown together for an unexpected mission!
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