Fun with Words

Update: 2017-10-21 15:22 GMT

Some weird English words you might be interested in

Abibliophobia: This words refers to someone who is afraid of running out of things to read!

Bloviate: This is the opposite of pauciloquent and refers to people who talk for a long period of time or who inflate their story to make themselves sound better. This also refers to someone whose words are empty and have no meaning.

Collywobbles: This refers to a weird feeling in one's stomach or an overall bellyache. It is derived from the Latin phrase cholera morbus, meaning it came from the disease we all know as cholera.

Gardyloo: This is actually a Scottish term, but it sounds really nifty! The definition is a funny and gross one; this is what people living in Edinburgh shouted out their windows as a warning before dumping their slop buckets out of their windows. At least they gave a little bit of a warning to those below!

Ratoon: Don't worry, this isn't referring to a raccoon and rat mix breed or an ROUS (rodents of unusual size), it is, in fact, referring to that small shoot or growth that comes from the root of a plant. You will see a lot of these in the spring and summer as things are growing.

Quire: You can always say "two dozen sheets of paper" or you can say "quire." It means the same thing! Interesting, huh? There are quite a few single words for many phrases.

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