Nexus of Good: Redefining possibilities

By breaking the cycle of poverty through providing holistic education and nurturing socio-emotional well-being, the Akanksha Foundation has been enabling students from underserved communities to lead empowered lives

Update: 2024-05-22 13:24 GMT

On April 15, 2024, in Pune, there was a special event organised by Nexus of Good, Pune Chapter. It was their 7th event, and it featured a talk and Q&A session by Ms. Sivakami, a leader at The Akanksha Foundation. Her words were powerful and connected deeply with everyone there. She shared about leadership and education in a way that inspired everyone.

Ms. Sivakami commenced her address with humility, reflecting on her journey within the foundation, spanning visits to numerous schools across Maharashtra. Her request to the committee to share their experiences underscored her commitment to collaborative learning and growth. She delved into a poignant question: "What defines you?" In a world often preoccupied with success, skills, and challenges, she encouraged introspection, inviting the audience to ponder over their own definitions.

Drawing from her personal narrative, Ms. Sivakami unveiled the layers of her journey, marked by resilience and determination. Ms. Sivakami's experiences growing up on the outskirts of Dharavi, one of Asia's largest slums, serve as a profound backdrop to her leadership journey. For her, navigating the complexities of Dharavi shaped her resilience, empathy, and determination.

Living on the outskirts of Dharavi meant confronting not only economic hardships but also societal stigma. Ms. Sivakami candidly shared how she felt hesitant to discuss her background in school or college, fearing judgment or prejudice. The stigma attached to living in a slum compounded the challenges she faced, instilling a sense of insecurity and self-doubt. However, amidst these adversities, Dharavi became a crucible for resilience, teaching her invaluable lessons in perseverance and problem-solving. Through her narrative, Ms. Sivakami underscores the importance of acknowledging and embracing one's background, regardless of societal perceptions or stereotypes.

The financial constraints of her family, compounded by the burden of supporting eight siblings, added another layer of complexity to Ms. Sivakami's upbringing. With limited resources available for education, she grappled with the uncertainty of accessing quality schooling and pursuing higher education. Yet, it was within these constraints that she discovered the power of resilience and resourcefulness.

Despite the hardships, Dharavi fostered a sense of community and solidarity that left an indelible mark on her. The collective spirit of resilience and mutual support among its residents provided a lifeline amidst adversity. It was within this tight-knit community that she learned the importance of collaboration, empathy, and collective action in overcoming challenges.

Transitioning into her current leadership role, Ms. Sivakami illuminated the intricacies of decision-making in the face of uncertainty. Reflecting on her own experiences of hiring and mentorship, she acknowledged the inevitability of mistakes. Yet, she advocated for a mindset characterised by reflection and continuous learning, rather than being defined by limitations or failures.

One of the pivotal insights she shared was the significance of language in fostering connections. As a Tamil medium student navigating English-speaking environments, she empathised with the struggles of Akanksha's students. Her journey exemplified the power of leveraging diverse linguistic skills to bridge cultural divides and establish meaningful connections, a lesson she seamlessly integrated into her leadership approach.

About the Akanksha Foundation

Ms. Sivakami's reflections extended beyond personal anecdotes to encompass The Akanksha Foundation's transformative work. Founded with a vision to break the cycle of poverty through education, Akanksha has evolved into a beacon of hope for thousands of students from underserved communities. By providing holistic education and nurturing socio-emotional well-being, the foundation empowers students to lead empowered lives.

The Akanksha team sees government officials as key stakeholders in the broader education ecosystem. They also shared examples showcasing the support of Government Officials for The Akanksha Foundation's innovative initiatives. These partnerships indicate a proactive approach by government officials to collaborate with organisations like Akanksha to bring positive changes in the education sector.

Akanksha Foundation's vision is deeply rooted in the belief that education has the transformative power to break the cycle of poverty. Over the past three decades, Akanksha has dedicated itself to providing high-quality, holistic education to children from low-income backgrounds in Mumbai, Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad, Navi Mumbai and Nagpur. Through 26 innovative schools run in partnership with municipal corporations, Akanksha offers a comprehensive education model focused on academic excellence, socio-emotional well-being, and parental engagement.

Here are some key elements of Akanksha's model:

Partnerships with municipal corporations: Akanksha collaborates closely with municipal corporations in cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Nagpur to establish and run high-performing schools in underserved areas. These partnerships ensure access to resources, infrastructure, and administrative support, enabling Akanksha to deliver high-quality education within the public school system.

Comprehensive education model: Akanksha's schools offer a holistic education model that goes beyond academic learning to focus on socio-emotional well-being, life skills development, and extracurricular activities. By providing a well-rounded education, Akanksha equips students with the skills, knowledge and values they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Professional development for educators: Akanksha invests in the continuous professional development of its educators, providing training, workshops, and mentorship programs to enhance teaching skills, instructional strategies, and classroom management techniques. By empowering educators, Akanksha ensures that students receive high-quality instruction and support.

Parental engagement initiatives: Akanksha recognises the importance of parental involvement in student success and actively engages parents and caregivers in their children's education. Through parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and community events, Akanksha fosters strong partnerships between home and school, encouraging parents to take an active role in their children's learning journey.

With a commitment to empowering students to lead empowered lives, Akanksha has impacted over 14,000 students through its formal school education programme and supported 5,100 alumni. Additionally, through initiatives like 'Project Setu,' Akanksha aims to scale its impact by partnering with municipal corporations to replicate its successful practices in public schools, with the goal of reaching 500 schools and impacting 80,000 students in the next five years. Currently, the organisation has partnered with Nagpur and PCMC and is working with over 200 schools for multidimensional shifts.

The ethos of Akanksha's mission reverberated through Ms. Sivakami's narrative, emphasising the importance of parental engagement and community partnerships. As Ms. Sivakami concluded her address, her words lingered as a testament to the power of leadership rooted in empathy, resilience, and continuous learning. Through her journey and the work of The Akanksha Foundation, she has exemplified the transformative potential of education in shaping lives and communities. She presents a wonderful example of Nexus of Good

Views expressed are personal


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