From Cradle to the Book Shelf

Update: 2014-06-22 22:35 GMT
You may think it’s difficult to write history because of the tedious process of fact collection and collation involved in it. You may also think it is difficult to write political accounts for grown-ups who have their own interpretations and understanding of incidents and happenings. But have you ever spared a thought on how difficult it is to write for the young ones creating stories which you know are beyond the realm of reality with an innocence that you have long traded for your experiences in the process of maturing.

Sam Mukherjee, however, does a brilliant job in putting together a book that is both innocent and appealing for the young minds. Miracle Daley’s birth ends a three-year long baby famine in the world. For some strange reason no babies were born in the world for three years before Miracle opened his fringed curtains to the world. People come in hordes just to gatch a glimpse of the ‘Miracle Baby’. Everybody wanted to see him, touch him and become ‘part of the history’. Some are so overwhelmed to see the ‘wonder kid’ that they burst into tears or giggle uncontrollably.

Unfortunately, Miracle Daley gets dazzled by all the attention around. Because this attention and adoration being showered on Miracle is unearned and comes without any real efforts from Miracle’s side, the child obviously fails to value it.

As Miracle becomes the headline while still in his cradle, arrogance and unnecessary tantrums become his way of life. With little to no regard for all those who value him, Miracle is soon faced with reality when the baby drought ends a couple of years after he is born.

After the newspaper and television have lost interest in him, Miracle begins to crave for attention again. He desperately wants to regain importance. The problem for Miracle Daley is compounded when teachers refuse to teach him at home, a privilege that had been extended to him because of being the wonder kid and also because he had nobody his age to be his classmate  and he is asked to come to school instead. Kids at school who are all elder to him and Miracle is the only student in his class. He is alone with no real friends forget the admirers he had for years. But he wants to change the situation and wants to be ‘known’ again. Miracle is soon shown the way by a talking dolhorina named Vibgyor. The dolhorina asks Miracle to help others and not be a problem for those around.

The account of how the young boy tries to cope with the surprise loss of attention and his efforts to regain all that he had lost presents an interesting and useful tale of how children should earn and not just demand affection.

Formative years are the best time to introduce children to parables for they help in building strong and sturdy moral foundations. Once the foundation is strong people learn to find their ways around the world with greater ease.

Life is not easy and children must know that but in ways that do not shake their beliefs in goodness rather they should be understand that with genuine intentions you end up getting what you have set out for.

The Perfect Tangerine – The Gift of Miracle Daley is a simple, lucid and light read. Grab a copy if you want to inculcate good values and reading habits early on in your child both at the same time.

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