Saudi prince arrested over leaked abuse videos

Update: 2017-07-20 17:33 GMT

A Saudi prince was arrested on Thursday on King Salman's order, a state-run broadcaster reported, as outrage grew on social media over videos appearing to show him abusing members of the public. 

Salman issued a warrant for 'the immediate arrest ... and imprisonment' of Prince Saudi, a descendent of Saudi Arabia's founder, along with a group of men who appeared in the videos uploaded to YouTube, Al-Ikhbariya television reported. A video circulating on social media showed police escorting the young prince one of the thousands of members of the royal family out of a house in handcuffs.
The arrest came after the prince, whose face can clearly be seen in some of the videos shared via Twitter Wednesday, unleashed a wave of verbal and physical abuse on Saudis and foreigners.
"You park by my house, you ... eunuch, I'll screw your mother in her grave," he says to a dazed driver bleeding from the mouth, his clothes splattered with blood.
"Do you understand?" he asks the man, who nods and turns away. In another video, a man moaning and clutching his head is led out of a house with an automatic rifle pointed at his back. 

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