UK couple to appeal over Hindu naming ceremony

Update: 2014-08-03 23:37 GMT
The couple had argued that they were waiting for an official Hindu naming ceremony as per their religious beliefs but Justice Parker said the decision not to give the boy a name could be ‘emotionally harmful’.

On Friday, the Hertfordshire-based couple were told they could challenge the decision in the Court of Appeal.

Justice Ryder ruled that the baby and his two-year-old brother should not be placed for adoption until the couple had aired their grievances to three appeal judges.

‘Our (Hindu) religion means that we have to have a naming ceremony. They took the baby from us before we could do that. If the baby had been left with us he would have been given a name,’ the mother said a daily newspaper.

Justice Parker, who sits in the Family Division of the High Court, had highlighted concerns about the father’s hostility to social workers.

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