Tear gas, arrests: Ferguson police, protesters face off

Update: 2014-08-15 18:36 GMT
Media reported that police officers in riot gear marched toward the protesters near a burned out gas station on Wednesday where demonstrators had gathered in the town of Ferguson, a St Louis suburb.
Police separately arrested two journalists reporting on the unrest that has roiled Ferguson since aspiring college student Michael Brown, 18, died Saturday in a police shooting.

His death has triggered rioting and stirred comparisons to the February 2012 fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida.

Wesley Lowery, a Washington Post political reporter, and Ryan Reilly, a Huffington Post reporter, were arrested in a McDonald’s after police entered the restaurant and ordered people to leave, the pair wrote on Twitter.

In a series of tweets, Lowery said they were given no explanation for their arrest other than ‘trespassing’ and were not charged with any offenses before being released.

‘I’m emotional, but need to note: Ryan and I are fine.

Have seen people in Ferguson hurt by gas/rubber bullets. This wasn’t that,’ Lowery tweeted.
Lowery also said the police officers ‘assaulted’ him because the two reporters were not leaving the McDonald’s quickly enough.

Reilly also described the pair’s arrest in a series of tweets. ‘SWAT just invade McDonald’s where I’m working/recharging.

Asked for ID when I took photo,’ he wrote. Earlier, police fired several shots at a 19-year-old who pointed a handgun in their direction as they dispersed around 30 people who had gathered near where the rioting had occurred, according to the St Louis Post-Dispatch.

The young man was taken to hospital and his name has not been released.

In Los Angeles, police shot and killed a black man on Monday during what they called an ‘investigative stop.’ 

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