New Sri Lanka cricket coach bans music during training

Update: 2017-12-29 16:52 GMT
Colombo: New Sri Lanka cricket coach Chandika Hathurusingha pledged to get tough with the under- performing national team – including banning music in training – while demanding "full control" over selection. With the 1996 World Cup winners coming to the end of their worst year in international cricket, Hathurusingha said he would impose strict discipline to make sure they are ready for the 2019 World Cup. Asked about reports that players were admonished for listening to music in practice, Hathurusingha said after his first training session with the team on Thursday: "If they are interested in music they will have to go home."
Sri Lanka, who tour Bangladesh next month, have been severely criticised over whitewash defeats by India at home and in India in the past six months. Sports Minister Dayasiri Jayasekera said in June that many players were "too fat" and that none chosen to play a series against Zimbabwe had passed international fitness standards. A special diet was
later imposed. 

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