Prashant Kishor bristles at reminder of earlier wrong predictions

Update: 2024-05-23 17:34 GMT

New Delhi: Election strategist Prashant Kishore ‘s interview with Karan Thapar for The Wire has caused ripples as he gave vent to his anger when reminded of his earlier wrong prediction in Himachal Pradesh.

For the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha polls which will end on June 1 and results will be known on June 4, Kishore claimed that the Congress party won’t be in a position to get even 100 seats.

The interview with Karan Thapar witnessed angry exchanges and ended on a hostile note. The well known election analyst predicted that the BJP will comfortably win the elections and expected the party to get 300 seats like 2019.

The ruling party could get a few seats more this time, he said.

On the other hand, he said the Congress party cannot get even 100 seats.

Explaining his forecast, according to The Wire, Kishore said he did not expect BJP to suffer “material damage” in the states he referred to as the north and the west.

Interestingly, he repeatedly defined material damage as losing more than 50 seats. He added that whatever number of seats BJP loses in the north and west it will more than make up in what he called the east and south. In response to a question, he made clear that even if the BJP loses 50 seats in the north and west, it will make up for this with gains in the east and south.

Over the past few days, Prashant Kishore has given interviews to all major TV channels, predicting 300 plus Lok Sabha seats for the BJP. However, in his latest interview to The Wire, he reacted angrily when reminded of his prediction about Himachal Pradesh polls where he had said that the Congress was in for a defeat. 

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