Lockdown prevails

Update: 2015-11-25 21:58 GMT
Although the attack on Paris shocked the world, such events happen to be commonplace in the life of an ordinary Syrian or Iraqi. In such a situation, governments seek crucial intelligence information on a possible attack, and plans of alternate remedy and protection. These methods are the most obvious way forward to protect innocent masses. The lockdown on the Belgian capital, Brussels is a live example of a similar situation. 

The third day of the lockdown is getting way too much for people to live with. However, such is the fear that many citizens have spent three days confined in their apartment. The 35-year-old Government office too remained shut along with major public and private schools, even on a Monday morning. Authorities, however, have assured that the lockdown will be lifted once they hunt down those IS terrorists involved in the Paris attacks. However, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel addressed the media late on Sunday, stating that the current security threat is serious and intimidating and he would want to be sure of absolute security before ending the lockdown. Michel was unequivocal in his claim that he didn’t want even one casualty on the street because of some foreign threat.

There has been a strict surveillance and scrutiny within the city. Armoured vehicles have been touring round the city, patrolling the streets to prevent any sort of mishap. The military too has been deployed in order to maintain essential security. This lock down is not only a rise of fear but also a severe loss of economy as a day without work is a day without taxes leading to losses that the government could face on a daily basis. As most remain anxious many within the country, and the city particularly, are getting stringent and sometimes even hostile about such a strict lockdown. There have been all sorts of rumours circulated. Some of these rumours have even sought to undermine the Government stating that they are behaving like cowards and such security is not only a waste of time but also a waste of resources and a good day’s work.

The terrorists, anyhow, definitely feel that they have succeeded in spreading the fear of terror to western governments. These terrorists without any damage at all are responsible for thousands of people living in fear. However, necessary or not, as the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure.

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