Sadhan Pande put on ventilation

Update: 2021-07-18 18:57 GMT

KOLKATA: Health condition of Sadhan Pande, the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Self Help Group and Self Employment is still stated to be 'very critical'. He has been put on ventilation. The four-member medical board is constantly monitoring his condition.

According to hospital sources, his lung infection has aggravated and irregularities were found in his heartbeats. Doctors are still concerned about his health condition. A rumour had been spread among a section of social media users from Saturday night about the minister. Shreya Pande, the minister's daughter, appealed to the people through social media not to listen to any rumours. She also said many had called her to enquire about her father's health condition. She also urged people to pray for her father. The doctors may conduct an MRI on the minister on Monday.

Pande was taken to a private hospital in the city on Friday night in a semi-conscious condition and was eventually detected with pneumonia. He has been kept under ventilation support since his admission. Pande had, however, tested negative for Covid. He has been suffering from a severe lung infection. The septuagenarian was rushed to the hospital after he had complained of severe respiratory distress.

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