Book Fair is the best platform to give out message of united India

Update: 2020-01-28 17:39 GMT

Kolkata: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday said that Kolkata International Book Fair (KIBF) is the biggest platform for propagating the message of united India. Banerjee was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the 44th edition of KIBF at the Salt Lake Central Park. The book fair will continue till February 9.

"What can be a better platform than KIBF to showcase the true spirit of our great nation India? We cherish our old tradition of unity in diversity and the book fair is the fittest platform to send across the message. It sees a huge gathering of people from various communities and religions," Banerjee said.

The Chief Minister also pointed out that varied ranges of books in different languages are put on display at the book fair and no discriminations are made between the books based on their language.

"Should we create discrimination between the books on the basis of their religion? Can we say that we would not allow a book written in Hindi or in Urdu or any other language for that matter?" Banerjee said in a veiled attack on the Narendra Modi government, whom she often accuses of discriminating people along the religious lines.

The Chief Minister also said that the book fair always find a special place in her heart, adding that even in the age of internet the glory of the book fair will never fade.

"I come to the Kolkata Book Fair every year to find unity among the diversity. I cannot ignore the irresistible call of books. There is always an emotional attachment to it. Earlier people had to undertake the laborious task of writing books by hand but now in the age of internet things have become much easier. One can get a lot of information with the click of a mouse," Banerjee added.

Earlier during the programme the Chief Minister conferred noted author Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri with 'Shristi' prize for his contribution to literature.

She was also reminiscent of authors Mahasweta Devi, Nirendranath Chakraborty and Subhas Mukherjee for their outstanding contribution to literature.

Banerjee also unveiled a calendar on the double centenary celebration of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar.

Russian ambassador to India H E Kudashev Nikolay Rishatovich was present alongside many other distinguished personalities from Russia.

Russia has become the theme country for this year's book fair. The theme gate has replicated the iconic Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow.

There are a total of 600 stalls and 200 little magazines stalls in the book fair. 

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