Must-have foods for new moms

As per the experts, post-pregnancy period is the most crucial phase when you need to pay special attention to the diet plan. A little care is the key to keep you energized.

Update: 2017-09-20 15:59 GMT
Life with a newborn is exhausting. It's usually impossible to get enough rest and exercise in those first few demanding months, and it's difficult to eat well.
But as all–consuming as caring for an infant can be, it's important to take care of yourself too. Choosing healthy foods – and following a few simple eating strategies – will keep you energized through your busy days and nights.
Moreover, It is understandable that during pregnancy you may have gained some excess weight. And you might want to shed those extra calories after delivering the baby. But, did you realize there is something more paramount than focusing on weight loss? Yes, the diet. Understanding what to eat and what not to is important.
Start with a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water. Try to make time to sit down for a quick snack or meal – even if you have to put the baby down for a few minutes. Considering the tremendous physical and hormonal changes that go within the body post pregnancy, experts have listed the right foods that a new mother should consume.
Post pregnancy, nursing mothers need 74 grams of protein per day in addition to their other daily nutrient necessities. Good quality proteins can be consumed through the inclusion of lean meats, fish, eggs while for vegetarians, nuts, seeds, dairy and legumes along with rice, wheat, millets, or any other cereal provides complementary proteins that meet your daily protein needs.
Calcium needs increase by about 600 mg per day and dairy products like curd, buttermilk, milk, paneer and cheese, and also ragi, dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, soybean, etc can help you in meeting these additional needs.
Mothers need about 500-600 kcal extra per day while breast feeding their babies as energy is required for producing milk. The quickest and best source of energy is carbohydrates, which help you produce milk for your new born baby. Maintain blood sugar levels by not consuming excess sugar to gain energy.
Wholegrains like oatmeal, quinoa, whole wheat, millet rice, brown rice, barley, and dalia provide energy with high fibre that helps in having healthy gut, keeping your lipid levels in check and reducing the risk of weight gain.
Vegetables and fruits should have an important place in your post-delivery diet. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients which are essential for you and your baby. Ensure you take fruits and vegetables that are not contaminated by pesticides.
Ghee, which is clarified butter, can be used in small amounts. Vegetable oils contain unsaturated fats that help control your cholesterol levels rather than increase them, unlike saturated fats. Olive oil and canola oil are rich in mono unsaturated fats which help to reduce the LDL (bad cholesterol).
Also, try to consume these items in smaller portions. Instead of taking three large meals, aim to eat five smaller meals so as to keep your energy up. Consuming these food items will help your body system to recover from childbirth steadily. 

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