‘Early recognition’ of Palestine possible: Ireland

Update: 2014-12-12 01:12 GMT
Ireland became the latest European Union member on Wednesday to approve a non-binding parliamentary motion seeking recognition of Palestinian statehood.

Lawmakers in Britain, France and Spain already have passed similar motions calling on their governments to follow Sweden, which on October 30 ignited debate by becoming the first western EU member to recognize Palestinian statehood.

Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan said Ireland’s government was considering the move.
“I’ve no difficulty in principle with the idea of early recognition, if I believe it can contribute to achieving a settlement of the conflict,” Flanagan told lawmakers. “The present stalemate is not acceptable.” But he stopped short of promising that the government would fulfill the parliamentary motion’s call to recognize Palestine ahead of any EU consensus.

“First our priority goal is to work to begin or, indeed, resume a process of real negotiations between the parties,” he said.

 “Despite previous failures and consequent deep frustration, our own experience tells us that this is the only way that conflict can be resolved, and a fully functioning Palestinian state on all of its territory established.”

That didn’t stop Sinn Fein, which authored the motion, from fueling misleading reports that Ireland’s government had recognized Palestinian statehood. “Long live Palestine!” tweeted Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, who visited the region last week and was stopped by Israel from entering the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

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