Cricketer Madan Lal campaigns for safer Diwali

Update: 2015-11-05 00:29 GMT
Delhi witnesses more than 1,500 road accident deaths every year due to drunken driving, which makes it nearly four deaths every day. To address this deadly menace during the festive season CADD – Community Against Drunken Driving initiated a campaign “This Diwali Dont drink and Drive awareness week with over 100 bars and pubs across the Delhi to inculcate the practice of designating a driver during this Diwali,” which was launched by former cricketer Madan Lal and activist Prince Singhal on Wednesday.

According to Prince Singhal, Activist and Founder of CADD: “The idea behind this campaign is to reach out to the public about the dangers of drunken driving during the festive season and how one’s careless choice of drunken driving can lead to tragedies. This campaign would spread the message on how one can celebrate and be safe by not driving drunk. Pubs would be offering free mocktails, driver and cab services and other benefits to help young people make an intelligent choice of driving sober.” Madan Lal added: “Drunk driving is a reckless act and one careless choice by the driver can result in an accident, injury or even death. This public campaign by CADD is very thoughtful especially to keep people safe during the festival of Diwali.” 

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