EC releases voter numbers amid accusations of delay in turnout data

Update: 2024-05-25 12:30 GMT

The Election Commission (EC) today released the total number of voters for the first six phases of the ongoing seven-phase Lok Sabha elections 2024. In a statement, the EC also addressed concerns about what it described as a "pattern of false narratives and mischievous designs to undermine the electoral process."

This announcement came a day after the Supreme Court adjourned petitions seeking the immediate release of voter turnout data until after the elections conclude. These petitions had called for the EC to publish detailed data on votes cast and rejected within 48 hours after polling at each booth.

The EC said it felt reinforced by the Supreme Court's stance and ruling on the matter of turnout data release. The poll body stated that this judicial backing increases its responsibility to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

The Commission emphasized that its process for releasing turnout data since the elections began on April 19 has been accurate and consistent with election laws, denying any discrepancies. It also rejected claims of delays in providing voter turnout data, asserting that the information has been continuously available through a voter turnout app from 9:30 am on each polling day, with updates every two hours until 5:30 pm. After 7 pm, as polling parties begin arriving, the data is continuously refreshed. By midnight, the app displays the best estimated "Close of Poll" data in percentage form.

The EC explained that different media outlets report this data at various times according to their schedules. Final voter data is confirmed within one to three days after polling, depending on factors such as geographical and weather conditions, and any necessary re-polls.

As voting continues in the sixth phase today, with the final phase set for June 1, the EC reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining transparency and accuracy throughout the electoral process.

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