Cyclone ‘Remal’: As many as 41 ferry ghats closed in Malda

Update: 2024-05-26 17:47 GMT

Malda: In view of ensuing Cyclone ‘Remal’, the Malda district administration has taken up multiple precautionary measures to encounter the effects of the storm and heavy rains, including the closing of 41 ferry ghats in the district, on Monday and Tuesday. Heavy to very heavy rains are being anticipated in Malda with gusty winds measuring to 30-40 kilometres per hour on both May 27 and 28.

The fishermen of the district have been advised to avoid fishing on these two days. The depression on Bay of Bengal has already turned into a super cyclone and is likely to hit Bengal and Bangladesh on Sunday night.

A helpline with integrated control room has been activated at district and sub-divisional level. Quick Response Teams (QRT) have also been devolved to sub-divisional and strategic block level for a quick response to any situation arising. A wide dissemination of information, education and communication (IEC) by intensive miking related to ban on plying of boats in rivers around riverine areas on May 26 and 27 was done on Sunday.

Further, in close liaison with the Forest department, loose branches and trees identified in municipalities and blocks are being trimmed down while loose hoardings are being identified and removed with aid of the Public Works department (PWD) and municipalities. The district administration has also increased Civil Defence Volunteers deployment at blocks while training and awareness of stakeholders regarding mobile apps, including Damini for early weather warning alerts. Nonetheless, WBSEDCL is also identifying loose and low hanging wires and corresponding interventions are being taken.

As per the state directives, fire tenders and personnel have been intimated to be on high alert for quick response by civil administration.

A special Emergency Disaster ward with 50 beds in Malda Medical College and Hospital is put on standby and activated to cater to any untoward incident if any.

At different corners of the district, farmers have been spotted harvesting paddy to save it from the impending heavy rains. In some cases, immature mangoes and litchis have also been plucked.

Nitin Singhania, District Magistrate Malda, said: “All and any kind of leaves stand cancelled as directed by higher authority in the district. A disaster task force meeting was held on May 25 with all stakeholders-line depts, fisheries associations, ferry ghat associations and many more.”

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