Anand misses chance, 5th game ends in draw

Update: 2014-11-15 23:52 GMT
The third draw in five games restored the parity and the scores now stand at 2.5-2.5 with seven games still remaining in the million Euros match. After a day’s rest Anand yet again looked for an advantage with white pieces and Carlsen was pushed to the wall once more.

However, just when the world thought it could be a dangerous advantage in Anand’s favour, the Indian ace erred and took a safer path, allowing Carlsen to liquidate to a drawn rook and minor piece endgame. Opening with the Queen pawn, Anand faced a new opening for the third time in the match by Carlsen, a clear indication the Norwegian has not been able to make up his mind and remains tentative with black pieces.

For the records, in the first game Carlsen chose the Grunfeld defense, in the third game he had gone for the Queen’s Gambit declined and on Friday the world champion opted for the Queen’s Indian defense.

It was not a normal Queen’s Indian as Carlsen went for some side line with early deviation giving Anand a small but lasting advantage. In the post game conference Anand revealed he had seen ‘something like this before’. On his 16th move, Anand livened things up a little by going for a thematic central breakthrough and a handful of pieces changed hands in quick time thereafter.

Carlsen took a practical decision on the 20th move by trading his Bishop for a centralised white knight and thereafter white was either playing for a win or a draw. Anand got his best chance on move 26 when a correct move would have prolonged the agony for Carlsen but did not feel it was worth the try.

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